Congratulations and Best wishes to four of our newly ordained Capuchin priests:

 Fr. Baptist Rohan Miranda,
 Fr. Vincent D’ Souza,
 Fr. Manoj Victor D’Souza
 Fr. Dancy Martis.

Dear Brothers, we are proud of you, Our hearts are filled with joy at your  Ordination..
"The harvest is plentiful,but the Laborers are few..."-Mt.9:37.

Inspired by these words of our Lord,you have decided to follow Christ in the footstep of St.Francis of Assisi. we the Capuchin Friars of Holy Trinity  Province Karnataka, along with your family members, wish you all the best in your future. May you reap the harvest for the Lord by being the true instruments in His vineyard.

God bless you Brothers.

 From—Capuchin Friars and the family members