Happy Wedding Anniversary
Dionysious Alexis and Veronica Agnes Quadros

Dear Dad & Mom

Three decades ago, they say,
A wonderful marriage took place that day.
Two beautiful people joined as one,
And worked together to make living fun.
As you celebrate those thirty years;
We raise our glass with three cheers:
To partners in life, both in work and play,
It’s our pleasure to share your golden day.

Happy 30th Anniversary Dad & Mom!

With Love,

Devina / Vincent

Victor and Rita Saldanha

Dear Dad & Mom

A partnership like yours is rare;
34 years you’ve been together!
You’ve always been a loving couple,
In sunny and stormy weather.
We send anniversary wishes to you,
For years of joy and pleasure.
May each year keep getting better,
With memories to treasure.

Happy 34th Anniversary Dad & Mom!

With Love,

Vincent / Devina
Sharlet / Terry - Sean & Jaden