A stronger woman I have never seen

Caring & generous she has always been

Ever ready with advice at hand

As they say folks,

‘experience make it a woman’ ;)

Flowers are her passion

A clean home her aim!

Orchids, jasmines & roses

Grow beautifully in her garden

This is each visitor’s claim

One woman has managed it all!

Family, friends & neighbours

She has made a home out of a house

This simple & loving woman

‘My Godmom’

Happy birthday Godma, u rock ;)

Love, Annabel

(Dedicated to my loving godmother, Mrs. Lenny Roche on her 60th birthday, 26.01.’10)

This poem comes with a lot of love, kisses and best wishes from

Jeffrey, Lionel/Sunita, Lester, Lloyd, Jennifer,

Robert/Joyce, Jonathan, Joel, Joshua,

Ginny/Alwyn, Adrian, Aileen,

Padri Bapu and Maushi and all close friends and well wishers.