Fiona Fernandes
Date of birth: 17-04-2008   

Dear Fiona,
What a precious bundle of joy you are
Cute from head to toe
You melt our heart with your sweetness
Your sweet smile and presence brightens our day
You're a very special gift
Descended from heaven above
The most perfect little angel
On this happy occasion
We wish you a very happy 1st Birthday
And pray to God Almighty to bless you abundantly
With good health and happiness.
With lots of blessings, kisses, hugs and love from:

Lawrence Praveen & Seema Fernandes (Dad & Mom) - Dublin, Ireland
Lester & Patricia Lobo ( Godparents) - New Jersey, USA
Michael & Irene Fernandes (Grandparents), Kundapura
Peter & Ivy Sequeira (Grandparents), Brahmavar
Dr. Stanley & Deepika, Nishal, Nishant, Boston, USA
Dr. Harold & Naina, Nitisha, Ryan, London, UK
Peter & Jyothsna Fernandes, Boston, USA
Wilson Rodriques & Family, Saudi Arabia
