Media Release

Sr M. Celsa BS (72) passed away on Saturday, Novemebr 9, 2013 at 2.00 pm in the 49th year of her religious profession and 72nd year of her life.

She was a member of Presentation Convent, Dharwad.

Her funeral rites will be held on Monday, November 11, 2013 in Dharwad at 4.00 pm.

She served in various communities at Westhill Calicut, Payangady, Pallikunnu, and Monipally in the Southern Province, Nirkan and Ajekar in Mangalore Province, Bethany Convent Bangalore, Sirsi, and Santibastwad, in Bangalore Province, as a teacher.

As a pioneer of the African Mission she has rendered service at Nouakchott, and Nouadhibou in the Delegation Abroad, as a social worker.